Thursday, November 12, 2009

Which one is the real me?

Remember how when we were kids and had our picture taken at school and were given "wallet sized" versions to pass out to all our friends? Well, as you can see, I was never the most popular kid (in fact, I probably gave the one cut-out to myself.)

Since my one true friend back then was my imagination I took it upon myself to create little Mike variations. What I love is how you see me start simply and move onto my masterpiece, little African-American Mike. I have been told by a few friends that this image is the best way to understand me and how I think (if you can call it that). In fact, my one friend George literally doubles over in laughter each time he sees this.

So, which of these do you think best represents me


  1. I think the one in the lower left best represents you. I think. I might change my mind tomorrow. They're all pretty awesome.

  2. Bottom far right. I think the tossle cap has me. And the fact that I can't tell if those are ear flaps or sideburns. Either way, with that tossle cap and the goatee, I have no idea what is going on. Although that MC5/Iron Butterfly version right above looks pretty good too.

  3. Kel - That is my rendition of a Cleveland horror show host from when I was growing up.

    DB - Those are sideburns. I shaved them off two years ago.


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